Stop Smoking Service
We realise that giving up smoking is not easy. We can offer you all the guidance and support you will need to break the habit.
We can offer you all the guidance you need and we will support you every step of the way. Our fully trained team will provide you with expert advice on when and how to give up.
You will receive individual, tailor made, face to face support and advice during a structured series of one to one consultations provided by one of our professional team in a private consultation area.
At each consultation a member of our team will help you identify what triggers you to smoke and how to overcome this, put together an action plan to give you the best possible chance of staying on track with remaining smoke free.
Aims of the service
At the end of the Stop Smoking Service you will have:
- Hopefully achieved your aim of stopping smoking
- Embarked on long term changes to your lifestyle and behaviours that will mean you continue not to smoke
- Been signposted to other services available, such as the Healthy Heart Service, the Weight Loss Support Service or the Asthma Check Service
- Been referred to your GP, if required (e.g. to review your prescription, to discuss continued NRT – Nicotine Replacement Therapy, or to discuss another condition)
We know you can do it. All the support you need is right here. Just ask any member of our team for more details.